Drawing a circle around my log pile

- Waste Not, Want NotConrad Wells
- What's in the Box?Marcus Gerrard
- Sponge?Ryan Tilley
- ProtectionFreya Cox
- Under My SkinEsme Jade Lafferty
- Dyadic ArtefactsFin Warren
- The Gods We Create For OurselvesDaisy Chadwick
- Hair in Speculative Fiction (Afro Futurism) Olivia Williams
- Boxing: Exterior Strength and Underlying FragilityLydia Noronha
- The Dinner PartySamuel Fisher
- The Human 3D PrinterFelix Primo Ziegler
- Material PerceptionsTove Thomas
- Crafting a ConnectionIndia Renshaw
- Escapism through Smell and TouchIsra Sheikh
- Understanding our Legacy through Material PathwaysJames Arkwright
- In the Minds EyeAbigail Pickersgill